
Subject: **** Side Effects to the FT470.8 MOD and Fix  ****
                      by Chris KB2LPW

Hi All,

ED (WB3FLD) has given us an interesting chart of all the possible combination
of straps on the 2 meter band of the FT470 HT radio.  I will like to mention
of the combination that enables the radio to RX/TX from 140 to 174 MHz.

As soon as you short the R67 and R69 straps, the radio will TX/RX out of band
but it will be in an opened squelch... And that will drive you crazy, hi hi.

The fix to that is to leave the R67 alone and just short R69 which is the
vertical strap, 10 o'clock from the lethium battery.  That will enable the
TX/RX from 140 to 174 MHz and you will have full control of the squelch knob.

I am looking, however of the combination straps to make the FT470 TX/RX upto
say 461 MHz.  Anyone have them please come forward so everyone may share them.

73's de Chris KB2LPW @ KB2NEX.#NYC.NY.USA.NA